

so by now you've probably heard the horror story that was our trip to the united states. if not, you're not missing much. we should have known what kind of luck we were going to have when the van broke down (for the first time) in the customs parking lot at the border.
thank you to everyone who came out to our shows and to all the people who booked shows for us that we could not attend.

in other news, we're going to be taking a break over the winter to write some new jammies. there's a lot of really cool stuff that's going to be happening in these next few months in toronto (get stoked on suffix) so be sure to hit that up instead.

EXHAUSTION is finally out and ready and packaged and all that good stuff. of course none of the records are in canada, but that doesn't mean you can't order one. buy one to perpetuate your poor spending habits. and pay for our constant cycle of van repairs.

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